Composites of the ’80s

These are of various quality but it’s the best we have right now. It will take you a couple clicks to get to a full screen version, then you’ll need to use your browser back button to get back to where you started, but I’m confident you can manage that.  If you have a high fidelity version of any of these composites, we’d love to have it. For the early years, we only have PDFs.

1977 Pi Kappa Alpha Composite

1978 Pi Kappa Alpha Composite

1979 Pi Kappa Alpha Composite

1980 Pi Kappa Alpha Composite

1981 Pi Kappa Alpha Composite

1982 Pi Kappa Alpha Composite

For composites after 1982, we have JPGs and PNGs and can put them in this nice gallery format. If anyone can get the earlier composites in this format, we can put them in this gallery format as well.

Yeah, we really did look like this way back when.