Pictures & Videos when we get together

Ders sent me an email last week suggesting we hire people to take pictures and videos at our reunion event. I kinda like the idea — particularly the video part. The few times we’ve done video at get togethers I’ve really enjoyed the outcome.

Here’s the core of his email.

 I have been to a lot of events where they have a photo booth where groups can get their pictures taken together.  I think we should work hard to get photo opportunities at our reunion.  The dinner event at The Graduate could be a good time to do a “red carpet” style photo setup.  Outside of the dinner room there is a large room that is away from the hotel traffic where we could setup a backdrop as a logo-wall.  It could be alternating Saber V’s, rotunda’s and the PiKA 150 Logo and the Greek Letters P K A on whatever color background a photographer thinks is good, plus we have a real photographer setup there with real lights for high quality pictures.  We can have misc groups, pledge classes, dudes with their spouse, etc.
I have also thought about videography like we did the Doobs video.  I think that came out remarkably good.  We could have someone working the group to make sure everyone got a few minutes on video.  We could prep people with a couple of questions that they need to bring to read into the video.  Top 5/10 memories from PiKA at UVa.   Poetry readings like we did with Santa Rock at Christmas.  Tell your favorite sports moment from when you were at UVa.  What was your favorite class or professor and why? What was your favorite memory of living in the house.
Leave a comment below if you have thoughts on this. I think we should do this.
BTW, the Doobs video he referenced is the same one linked on this site.

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