150 Year Reunion Roster


We’re less than a week out. Hope to see you in Charlottesville soon. The schedule of events is set. Need some random posts to get you in the mood? Check the Stream of Consciousness.

Scheduled to Appear

If you’re coming and you’re not pictured above (there’s a lot of you in that bucket), then send a recent photo to Eddy at Outlook dot com.

The following flamers have indicated they plan to appear at the 150 year reunion.

  1. Rob Carmines
  2. Ed Kyte
  3. Jeff Levin
  4. Jeff Stein
  5. Bruce Blanchard
  6. Jon Silverman
  7. Dave Carmines
  8. John Anderson
  9. Rock Bell
  10. Rob Case
  11. Steve Fox
  12. Gerald Mace
  13. Peter Wiesinger
  14. Adam Budish
  15. Paul Garrison
  16. Bill Hall
  17. Eddy Hott
  18. Jeff Rogatz
  19. Rob Scible
  20. Ken Gagliardi
  21. Rob Michel
  22. Dave Belote
  23. Chuck Rile
  24. Tom Schorr
  25. Mark Boyes
  26. Peyton Colvin
  27. Gus Dixon
  28. David Felts
  29. Frank Firsching
  30. Trip Galloway
  31. David McCreight
  32. Jeff Pellegrino
  33. Steve Schneider
  34. Tom Shuler
  35. Hugh Stuart
  36. John Torris
  37. Chris Anderson
  38. Bill Antholis
  39. Dan Bloor
  40. Dave Clifton
  41. Cliff Dunning
  42. David Ern
  43. Vince Graham
  44. Pete Holt
  45. Tim Ingrassia
  46. Jeff Marine
  47. Blake Miller
  48. Sanders Partee
  49. Sean Prendergast
  50. Lance Sapera
  51. Frank Williams
  52. John Dyslin
  53. Richard Skeppstrom
  54. John Villasenor
  55. Roger Bayston
  56. Mark Bell
  57. Bill Cole
  58. Dave Dyslin
  59. Taylor Hamilton
  60. Thornton Kirby
  61. Paul Meurer
  62. Dave Cardenas
  63. Craig Herron
  64. John Kelty
  65. Warren Lightfoot
  66. Rick Sorenson
  67. Tim Strauch
  68. Richard White
  69. Scott Bialecki
  70. Michael Bluestein
  71. John Diefenbach
  72. Edmund Rudd
  73. Jon Feld
  74. Christopher Kughn
  75. Scott MacGillivray
  76. George Veth
  77. Todd Vick
  78. Ted Koch
  79. Edmund Redd
  80. Cary Greene

At least 60% of this group will be posting.

And some more still on the fence:

  1. Mitch Hobbs (won’t make it)
  2. Paul Edwards (won’t likely make it)
  3. Steve Altizer
  4. Todd Gerkin
  5. Danny McCarter
  6. Steve Young
  7. Tobin Hunsinger
  8. Kevin Lefew
  9. Robert Napoli
  10. Jonathan Shoemaker

More information: reunion schedule | reunion organizers